Your 2024 Oracle Card Reading

I pulled these two cards from my Goddesses, Gods and Guardians Oracle on New Year’s Eve and feel they have important messages and resonance as we greet 2024.

You can find full card meanings in the Guidebook accompanying the oracle deck (buy it here). What follows are my personal interpretations and forecast for 2024 as I tune into the intuitive energies from the cards.

Primary card: IMHOTEP – Visionary

2024 is a year to trust and nurture your visions. Your ideas and creative sparks come from a divine source, and this year you’ll be guided more than ever to implement and develop them.

Tune into the frequency of your visions and allow them to light you up and ignite your Third Eye. Allow yourself to really bathe in this high vibration – this is not the time to get bogged down by the ever-nagging voice of your inner critic.

Yes, it’s true that all visionaries must work diligently and extremely patiently towards creating their visions on Earth. It’s normal for great changes and pioneering endeavours to hit numerous obstacles and challenges, or even appear impossible at some stages of their implementation.

Don’t let that bring your energy down now! You have what it takes to create your big visions, step by step.

As you enter this New Year, keep your highest, divinely-inspired visions at the centre of your focus.

Supporting card: MERMAID OF LEMURIA – Joy

The way in which you’ll create your visions this year is through cultivating a note of pure joy.

You may have great, pioneering ideals and strong desires to make big changes in the world – and this can be a lot to carry. The Mermaid of Lemuria says that this year, she’s working alongside Imhotep to bring a sense of lightness, elevation and sacred joy to even the biggest, heaviest or most demanding projects you have on your plate.

This is the way you’ll move forward, she says. Embracing your highest ideas and visions with clarity, confidence and hope – and allowing the energy of your purest visions to circulate around your Lemurian Heart.

This frequency will lift you up – and will then multiply so it lifts others up, too. This, in turn, switches them on to their divine visions and highest purpose.

The Mermaid says, you’ll be amazed at what you can create, heal and manifest this year through trusting the high wisdom of your visions, and following the steps that put you in touch with your joy.


This year, you may be asked to step into your sacred contracts in new, powerful ways. Your visions need to come to life. No matter how ‘big’ or even daunting your visions are, the energy of joy is running through them. This is what will make your dreams and visions a reality.

Mountains can be shifted in 2024 and huge steps forward taken – but not with a clouded energy weighed down with worry, self-doubt or fear. The way your visions will take flight this year and be most healing for you, and the world – is through acting upon the highest wisdom that flows through your body.

Let the Divine take you where you’re most needed. Let the currents of Life bring the right people to hear your message or partake in your contributions. Do what you’re here to do with a spirit of joy.

Let your life purpose light you up – brighter than ever before.

Happy New Year! 🌞💗

Cards from Goddesses, Gods and Guardians Oracle by Sophie Bashford and Hillary D. Wilson, published by Hay House

1 Comment

  1. Christina on April 15, 2024 at 11:29 pm

    Thank you for the message. It’s nice knowing I’m not alone nor going crazy. Your story sounds alot like my own and I have researched myself what I’m going through. Now knowing I have had Shadow Work and Dark night of the soul almost my whole life. I had gone through the transformation almost three years ago, a moment of pure grace before hitting rock bottom of the well. Again, thank you. ✨️☯️

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