Lion’s Gate Portal and your love life

Heard about the Lion’s Gate Portal 2021? A vast karmic divine feminine cycle is completing (read more on my Facebook & Instagram pages).

As we approach this portal which peaks on 8th August, a vast, ineffably deep Soul-healing cycle is completing.

In this lifetime, your soul wants to retrieve its ancient cellular memories of the goddess – whatever that means for you – and this year represents a big opportunity for dissolving the fears of shining your goddess-light.

Because of your efforts to heal, the universal feminine consciousness has cleared mountain-loads of karmic weight.

She’s ready to step into a new era, without the baggage, chains and fear of being destroyed.

Your love life in this healing cycle 💕

Since you awakened to the goddess within (or became aware of your ‘inner healer and wise one’ waking up) – how has your intimate life changed?

You may have:

– been thrown into a phase of sacred solitude (can be super-cleansing & empowering)

– remained in a committed relationship yet wanted to deepen your connection or work together in therapy

– gone through a series of ups and downs in partnerships, working out karmic issues related to the Heart

– actively worked on your relationship with yourself in therapy or spiritual practice

– healed old wounds with your mother and/or father or primary caregivers

What you need to know now:

This is a new cycle for your heart and intimate relationships. Wherever you’ve been, it’s coming to completion, ready for a new beginning.

If you recently started a new, significant relationship – trust that this is being deeply guided by the Great Goddesses, Gods and Guardians of the universe.

If an important relationship ended this year – even if this was painful, it’s a process that will ultimately liberate your wings to greater heights. It’s freeing you up for something much better for your feminine soul.

If nothing seems to have changed for AGES in your love life – get set for rapid, even unexpected growth. If you’ve been planting the seeds for a new era of conscious partnership, this is about to bloom like a fertile garden. (you may be scared of this change at the same time as wanting it – this is normal!)

The goddess is with you in all matters of the heart. Hand over ALL your fears and yearnings to Her. Trust that as this new era of sacred feminine power begins, you’ll be in exactly the right places, doing the right things, with the right people at your side.

I love you, see you, and honour your path back to the Mother.

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  1. KJ Alexander on August 8, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    Thank you. So needed…….

  2. Joanne on August 8, 2022 at 3:36 pm

    Thank you Sophie.

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