And It Was Prophesied

And it was prophesied, that multitudes of ancient priestesses, and keepers of the divine feminine temples of Old, would re-seed themselves on Earth during these times of rapid evolution.

These priestesses would re-incarnate to uplight the forgotten, the denied, the banished, the demeaned and the defiled sacred & secret treasures of the Goddess.

And so, the prophesy is coming true.

Who are these Guardians of the Sacred Feminine Heart and Soul?

You, my love.

Thank Goddess, you are now here.

Now, wake up and believe it.

Now, take the place that was always intended for you.

Now, stop procrastinating and distracting yourself. Stop wasting your energies on things that ultimately sabotage you. You are immensely qualified for this role.

The prophesy is living itself.

You are the living proof of it.

Take the role now, that you know deep inside is manifesting.

You are this ancient prophesy of the return of the sacred feminine heart.

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